Welcome to Liminal Wonderland's Blog. Here I will chat about tips for your day. I will feature some of my favourite weddings. I'll give you sneak peaks of weddings. And if there is anything you would like to read about on the blog get in touch! 

A Place for Inspiration


Intimate Melbourne Elopement for Flo and Gary.


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Wedding ceremony at Projekt 3488. Black and white photo of couple getting married. Close up of hands.

Celebrants in Melbourne

Everything you need to know when looking for a celebrant in Melbourne.  So you’re getting married! Wooooo CONGRATULATIONS, and you’re ticking off those big things on your list. Now you’ve decided you would like a celebrant to perform your ceremony, where do you look, what do you look for, how do you pick. You want […]


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Yarra Valley wedding.

Venue feature Projekt 3488. Read about my biggest ever publication and the beautiful couple that had a Yarra Valley wedding. Liminal Wonderland Oh My goodness I’m So excited it’s out! How beautiful is Yarra Magazine! I’m so thrilled to be featured as a photographer for this incredible venue, Projekt 3488 in Warburton. I thought I […]


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couple witting on a bench he is kissing her cheek.

Why do you need an engagement session?

I get asked so many times do I need an engagement session? Can we skip it for extra time on the wedding day, I’m so awkward in front of the camera, or I don’t have time. I’m going to give you my 8 top reasons why you should do an engagement session, and why it’s […]


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